
~ Kids Club

Aaarrrrgh you excited for PIRATE QuACKK?

tuesday 9th July - Friday 12th july 2024
Life Kids Club (QuHACKK) is a holiday program for school aged children, Years K-6, that is run by Life Anglican Church Quakers Hill. Featuring 4 days of fun filled events, including our amazing stage-time program (featuring a drama, singing, memory verse challenges and an engaging bible talk). This stage-time program is then folllowed by 2 hours of activities including: games, craft, cooking and much more. For kids in Years 4-6, a special Survivor Challenge will be held at a nearby venue, where small groups of students and their leaders experience lots of age-appropriate games and adventure.


EARLY BIRD - $60 PER CHILD (closes 28th May)
STANDARD - $70 PER CHILD (closes 25th June)

Prices include the 4 days plus Funday Sunday


life anglican church quakers hill
4 samuel place, quakers hill 2763

years 4-6 survivor challenge information

Our Year 4-6 children will be completing the infamous 'Survivor Challenge' on an off-site location.
Children will be bussed off-site for their programs following the morning stage time and bussed back in time for the 1pm pick up.

Note: Kindergarten - Year 3 children remain on site for the duration

Kids registration Open

Register Here

Volunteer registration Open

Register Here

Volunteer Team Hoodies

Order your KIDSLife QuHACKK Team Hoodies using the link above!

Kids Hoodies

Order your QuHACKK kids hoodies here!!