Talking about End Times I want to do a little thinking about end of days and Jesus second coming. We need to be a little careful as we think about that. Historically Christians have become really focused and even obsessed with thinking about end of days, predicting the end and I don’t that specifically is the space we want to be in. But … Read More

4 Reasons to Come to Church

Why come to Church? Why not stay at home online? Why not just listen to your favourite preacher’s podcast? Why do we not just send out sermons as emails? What is the point of gathering for worship if we can’t sing? Some of these questions have come to us purely from COVID. Some of them have existed since the birth … Read More

We’ll Meet Again—Why Church Needs to be In Person

Imagine: this Sunday is the day. Church—live and on location—is back on. How do you feel about it? Excited? Relieved? Anxious? Maybe you’re thinking “to be honest, I kind of like doing church online.” For some of us, getting back to church will be easy, for others it will be hard. But online services are not an equally good replacement … Read More

Practicing thankfulness in everyday life.

“I would give more praise” The Duke of Wellington was the great British military leader who regretted that he had not learned the secret of praise during his lifetime. He had many great accomplishments and even defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. He was a brilliant and demanding man and when he was older, he realized that there were areas in his life that needed to … Read More

Top Easter Videos

Every year we trawl through websites trying to find some of the best videos to bring creativity and life to our Easter Church services. This year I thought I would gather my best finds into a post to share with other quality media seekers.Of course not all these videos have been released in the last year but these are some … Read More

The God of Second Chances

“I’ve messed up too many times; I’m too far gone… God could never save me” “I’ve done too many horrible things for God to ever forgive me” “I’ve ignored God for so long, there’s no way he could use me to do anything significant for him” Have you ever had one or more of these thoughts? Believe me, they’re more … Read More

Is it possible to give thanks in all circumstances?

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:18 Is this really possible to do? Is it really possible to ‘give thanks’ when our circumstances are horrible? What fuels thankfulness when life seems to be one discouragement, disappointment, disease, disaster, and death after another? It’s such a great question … Read More

Praying for those who Grieve on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a day when we recognise and honour the mothers in our family and community. It is a day when we thank our mothers and show them our appreciation. It is meant to be a happy, positive experience as we see how we have been blessed and then to bless others. One day a year we devote to … Read More

Praising God

As we all know our Life Church is serious about praising God. It is part of our life and ministry. I am not sure if we can make the distinction between praise and thanking God, for the Psalmist seems to use both. “Everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord” Psalm 150:6. We praise and thank Him for … Read More