Find life and purpose in Jesus. Life Anglican Church Quakers Hill is a church for everyone. Somewhere that anyone, from every background can call home. We value our differences but embrace that we are all one under Christ – our love for Jesus is what brings us together!

We hold different church services for different preferences which you find out more about


A message from our Senior Minister Rev. Geoff Bates

My wife Kim, and I love the friendships and the diversity of the people who make Life Anglican Church their spiritual home. It is an international church that reflects the community that we live in, and it is such a joy to see so many people and their families thrive here.

If you’re looking for a local church where you and your family can find your God-given purpose and real friends, then I warmly invite you to come along and check us out!

Rev Geoff Bates
Senior Pastor

Hear about what some new families to our church think about calling Life Anglican Church Quakers Hill, their home



Life is no longer the same since COVID touched us all. It has affected our relationships and our social life. At that time we felt distant from our neighbours, friends and the wider community. We were searching for a local church for our children to enable them to learn about God and grow in God’s family. Life Anglican Church has many community outreach ministries and we attended one of them. We were touched by their generosity, the humbleness of the ministers, and the very warm welcome of the congregation. Since then, we have been attending one of their Sunday services. It has resulted in an amazing journey for our family.

With love in Christ,
Desmond & Hanna

Kehidupan tidak lagi sama semenjak COVID melanda dunia.  Pandemi itu telah mempengaruhi hubungan dan aktivitas sosial manusia. Saat itu, kami merasa terasing dari tetangga, sahabat dan orang sekitar. Saat itulah kami sedang mencari gereja lokal agar anak-anak dapat mengenal Tuhan lebih dalam dan bertumbuh dalam keluarga Tuhan. Gereja Life Anglican memiliki banyak pelayanan di antara komunitas sekitar dan kami kebetulan mengunjungi salah satu pelayanannya. Kami tergerak akan kemurahan hati gereja, kesederhanaan dari para Hamba Tuhan dan keramahtamahan dari jemaat. Sejak saat itu kami mulai menghadiri salah satu kebaktiannya. İni menjadi perjalanan hidup keluarga yang luar biasa.

Salam kasih dalam Tuhan Yesus
Desmond & Hanna



Since we grew up in Christian families, family prayers and attending Church was and is always significant to us. Our objective was to find a supportive community that aligns with our Christian beliefs and values.

When we newly moved to Schofields, we looked for a Church where we could nurture our faith and grow spiritually. A Church where we could learn more about Jesus Christ. A Church where we could connect with like-minded individuals with whom we could share our faith, values, and beliefs. A church that reflected an openness to diversity and give us an opportunity to worship alongside people from various cultural backgrounds and lastly a Church that is in close proximity to home. And almost 1.5 years into attending Quakers Hill Life Anglican Church, I can say - we found it all!

Life Anglican Church Quakers Hill's commitment to inclusivity and diversity created an environment of acceptance and unity for us! The Pastors and the team at Church have been so welcoming and helpful in making us feel at home. It's a testament to the Church's commitment to fostering a welcoming and supportive atmosphere, which is so important for those seeking spiritual growth and a sense of community like us.

Avinash & Christine



Last year we moved to this area and needed to find a local church for our family. By chance, our son joined the Life Anglican Church kids’ winter holiday program – QUHACKK. He loved it! He learned from the Bible, enjoyed fun activities and made many new friends. Later we are also invited by my son’s school teacher to Church. Above our expectations, we felt very welcomed and accepted. We were greeted by  lovely, caring people who were open to cultural diversity, an excellent kids and youth program, Christ-centred, practical bible preaching and good connected fellowship. We feel blessed in this new church family and are looking forward to our new journey here.

Jin & Beryl

去年我们全家新搬来这个社区,需要找一个适合我们家庭的教会。 偶然的机会,我们的孩子参加了Life Anglican Church的暑假儿童营QUHACKK,他非常喜欢,那里有很棒的圣经教导,好玩的游戏活动,还认识了很多新朋友。 之后我们也被儿子的学校老师邀请到这个教会看看,超出我们的期待,我们来到教会感受到友好而温暖的接待,对多元文化的开放,以基督为中心、贴合生活实际的讲道,彼此有很好的关系连结。我们在这个新的教会家庭里备感祝福,期待在这里开展我们家庭的新旅程。

Jin & Beryl

We also have different things happening throughout the week – almost everyday! Some that may be helpful for you

Playtime Playgroup

A playgroup for kids aged 0-5 years and their carers during school terms


A program for primary school students on Friday afternoons

youth life

A program for high school students on Friday evenings during school terms
