Praising God

As we all know our Life Church is serious about praising God. It is part of our life and ministry. I am not sure if we can make the distinction between praise and thanking God, for the Psalmist seems to use both.
“Everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord” Psalm 150:6.
We praise and thank Him for who He is, what He has done and promises to do. We can thank God for His might, power, creativity, kindness. The Psalms tell us to praise God for our creation, sustaining each day and protection, comfort, salvation, guidance, His Word, companionship, lovingkindness, compassion, holiness, judgements, God’s forever family we are part of and His good works to us. In fact, the bible tells us that we should praise God in our hardship and persecution.
[pushquote]The bible tells us that we should praise God in our hardship and persecution.[/pushquote] Friends, we have every reason to thank God, for we know He has gone to great effort to make a loving plan for us and He has blessed us incredibly. And when I praise God and others in the tough times, I know it lifts my spirit and God very often changes my heart and circumstances as I do this. I am determined, and I know you are; with a posture of praise, an open mouth and loosened tongue of praise and a smile on my face, I want to praise our wonderful God who has done great things!
Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done in my life, my family and our terrific church family here at Life Anglican Church!